Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Barrington RI Real Estate Closing by Divorce Agreement

In a recent Barrington RI divorce and real estate matter, we represented our client as the seller’s agent at a real estate closing on the marital home, several months after the Final Judgment had entered. Our client had since moved out of state, and needed to appoint a Power of Attorney to attend the closing on his behalf. We also reviewed the closing settlement statement with regard to disbursement of the final proceeds. We were able to point out that overdue motor vehicle taxes should have been allocated to the ex-Wife’s portion, and that our client should not be responsible for those. This resulted in a savings of more than $800.00 to our client.

Kristy J. Garside, Esq.
Associate Attorney

If you are filing for divorce in Rhode Island, or need help with a real estate closing or transaction, contact The Law Offices of Jeremy W. Howe at (401) 841-5700.

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