From time to time, we find books that deal with divorce topics that are of immense benefit to children and parents alike. Dinosaurs Divorce, a book for children, is reviewed below and can also be found with other similar books on our website.
Reviewer: Nancy Johnson-Gallagher. LICSW, Mediator
Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families
Laura Krasny Brown and Marc Brown (1986).
A classic, this book has been helping families adjust to divorce since 1986. It addresses just about every issue that can occur during divorce including verbal violence and substance abuse, and offers empowering strategies for the child. It gives permission for the child to “not listen” to a parent’s berating of the other, or even to ask a parent not to say bad things about the other parent. Despite the very young art, this book is comfortable reading for the two year old to the eight year old.